February is dedicated to the Holy Family
Holy Face Devotion
Come join us in a powerful devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus every Tuesday evening after the 7:30 pm mass in reparation for modern affronts against the first three commandments concerning idolatry, blasphemy and irreverence, and to offer the wounded Face of Jesus, as an object of adoration and prayer to save souls and restore Christendom in Canada and throughout the world.

“I seek Veronica’s to wipe and honour my Divine Face, which has few adorers”.
Mass Intentions
The recommended stipend for a Mass intention is $15. Should an amount more than $15 be given to the parish, the balance will be considered a donation to the parish. Please be clear when asking for a Mass intention if your intention must be a single intention. If no mention of this is made at the time of your request, the intention may be placed with other intentions.
Please contact the office – secretary@stmcorkery.caor 613-256-3441 – if you would like to have Mass intentions offered at Mass.
Blessing Sunday
The second Sunday of every month is Blessing Sunday. Please bring any religious articles, pictures, etc. to Mass to be blessed.
First Friday Adoration
First Friday overnight Eucharistic Adoration at St. Michael’s begins on the Friday at 7 pm and continues through the night until 8 am on Saturday, followed by Mass.