As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace... (1 Peter 4:10)

Members of St. Michael Parish gather to worship God in celebrations that are welcoming, joyous and meaningful as a result of the active participation of those present. Parishioners are also called to worship God by serving one another, our parish and the broader community through one of St. Michael’s councils or ministries.

If you would like to contribute your time and talents or obtain more information about these opportunities, please contact the parish office by email or phone (613-256-3441).


Finance Council

The Finance Council is comprised of the Pastor and members who demonstrate a level of experience in finance, budgeting, property maintenance and good business practices. The council is responsible for the temporal administration of the parish, establishing guidelines and advising on matters such as revenues, expenses, loans, investments, repairs, construction, contracts and salaries.


Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council works with the Pastor to coordinate the pastoral life of the parish. The Council assesses the pastoral needs of the parish, implements programs to address them, and ensures that needs are met through the ministries and programs.





Through their enjoyment of reading and preparation of passages, lectors and commentators engage parishioners in the mass. Lectors proclaim the First Reading, the Responsorial Psalm, and the Second Reading. Commentators introduce the liturgy, lead the prayers of the faithful, and read the announcements. Depending on the availability of volunteers, one person may perform both roles at a given mass.



The sacramental teams provide the information, education, and support needed by parents preparing their children to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Sacramental teams take care of administrative details and plan and organize the liturgical celebration of the sacraments. Members also serve as the liaison between families, parish, and school.



Ushers collect the financial offerings and assist with the presentation of the gifts. They may also welcome parishioners and visitors, assist with seating, and deal with situations requiring special attention, such as someone falling ill during the mass.


Collection Counting

Collection counters, in groups of two or more, work with the Secretary to ensure that the Sunday and special collections are counted at the church in a timely manner and in accordance with the policies of the diocese.



Members organize activities that are fun to attend and allow parishioners to get to know one another. Some events may raise funds to cover ongoing or special expenses of the parish, while others celebrate a parish milestone.


Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild take turns bringing home the soiled linens and laundering them according to the specific guidelines set out by the Church.



This team is responsible for enhancing the outdoor environment of the church and rectory by planting and maintaining flower beds and seasonal outdoor decorations such as urns of flowers and plants.



Baptismal Preparation

Members of this team meet with parents who ask for their child to be baptized. Members explain the nature and importance of this first Sacrament of Initiation, and provide support and encouragement to help parents live out their responsibilities as the primary teachers of the faith to their children. Team members provide any materials that may be helpful and explain the baptism service.


Altar Serving

Children who have celebrated First Eucharist may serve as altar servers. They participate in processions, carry the cross and candles, ring the bells and assist the priest during the mass. If available, altar servers may also serve at funerals, weddings and special masses and celebrations.



The music ministry leads parishioners in the joyful worship of God through the singing of hymns, psalms, and liturgical music at the masses. In consultation with the priest, members select music appropriate for each mass and contribute their talents as singers and/or musicians.



Through their service behind the scenes, sacristans play a vital role in helping the Pastor lead the worship of God. They ensure that the items used for liturgical celebrations are clean, in good repair and ready. They prepare the altar with care before every mass and ensure that there is a supply of the items required to celebrate mass, such as hosts, wine, and towels.



The members of this team are dedicated to making the church a welcoming and safe space by ensuring that it is clean and orderly. Generally working in teams of two, members are responsible for dusting, sweeping, polishing and vacuuming.



Members of this ministry use their artistic talents to enhance the beauty and atmosphere of the church by decorating it for the various seasons and celebrations throughout the year.