St. Michael's Corkery 200th Anniversary

2024 marks the 200th Anniversary of St. Michael’s Parish. Two hundred years ago the Irish settlers surrounding what is now Corkery came together to raise their first church. These were people who cleared the land and plowed and planted the stoney soil for the first time. The community they formed raised the first log church close to where the current church stands.

We, the latest members of St. Michael’s Parish, have chosen to mark the bicentenary with an Anniversary Mass on September 29th together with other events that we feel the original settlers would approve of. We are redecorating and restoring the church to the highest standard so that current parishioners and those in the future can enjoy the peace and tranquility of this little country church.

To help fulfill our vision we ask you to please donate to our many projects which together make up the St. Michael’s Bicentenary. Without your help we will be unable to commemorate this event in a fitting manner that honours the original settlers who struggled so hard to establish our parish.

Please donate by using the envelopes provided in the church or by clicking on the button below.


First Friday Adoration

First Friday overnight Eucharistic Adoration at St. Michael's begins on the Friday at 7 pm and continues through the night until 8 am on Saturday, followed by Mass.

Blessing Sunday

The second Sunday of every month is Blessing Sunday. Please bring any religious articles, pictures, etc. to Mass to be blessed.

Mass Intentions

The recommended stipend for a Mass intention is $15.  Should an amount more than $15 be given to the parish, the balance will be considered a donation to the parish. Please be clear when asking for a Mass intention if your intention must be a single intention. If no mention of this is made at the time of your request, the intention may be placed with other intentions. Please contact the office - or 613-256-3441 - if you would like to have Mass intentions offered at Mass.